Sher-ainnie Nuruddin
Ma. Christine Barrios
Edsel Aliangan
1. To develop our reasoning and critical thinking
Sher-ainnie Nuruddin
Ma. Christine Barrios
Edsel Aliangan
1. To develop our reasoning and critical thinking
- Debate requires one to think critically in order for him to reason out effectively in a clear and organized manner.
- A debater must be knowledgeable and one who expresses his views unhesitatingly, therefore a person who debates can improve his self-confidence as he speaks in front of public.
3. To improve our communication skills
- Debating not just requires one to reason out, but to speak sensibly in which people would understand. Thus, debating helps people to communicate effectively.
4. To be aware of the issues happening around us
- Debating requires one to have a rich and powerful knowledge about issues around, for him to communicate effectively. Therefore one who debates is expected to know the issues and facts happening in and out of the country.
5. To solve problem creatively
- Debating helps people solve problem creatively because a debater is expected to solve problem by providing facts and giving his proposal or opinion to the issue which the audience may absorb.
6. To enhance our academic research skills
- In order for one to have a rich knowledge on a particular issue ,a lot of research is required in a debate. Hence, Matter Downloading may develop one's academic research skill.
7. To express our own views effectively
- In a democratic country, expressing our own opinion is important. Debating is one of the best way to express and defend our views on any issue.
I like how you explained each reason.
Take a 10. :)
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